- Therion: BCL Champion
- Varun: World Champion
- Sepzy & Warf: China Champions (Thanks to Warfstyxfury for the Signature review)
- Eu1l8ch: Veteran Reviewer
Very hard to know if the ability is going to be triggered a lot or not. I suppose it depends on the opponent.
Interesting ability, that seems a good fit in Dark Eldar. I suspect that the opponent will mostly "call" in situations where it's likely to make a big difference (or where they really don't care about the 1 damage). In which case this kind of converts all your cards into 2-Shield cards, except in crutch situations where you need to play a real one. Of course if your opponent suspects you're bluffing a lot on this basis he may then start to call, so anything could happen. Biggest impact is that it allows you to play around with cost-curve in deck-building as anything can theoretically be thrown as a shield. Making sure you draw cards will be crucial to getting mileage from this mechanic.
The fourth of the Dark Eldar warlords is brining the fight on the psychological field. Caution: stay away if don't have a strong mind!
Because she can use any card as shields and play around them, she needs many fights and many opportunities to use shields, as well as many cards. It's a special playstyle. Also the current card pool isn't especially tailored for her ability. Hope for more in the future.
Very difficult to assess properly but the potential is there: 2-shielders are very powerful so having such flexibility is very strong.
Design-wise, I really like the flavour and the interaction with the signature squad.

A free 1/3/2 with only a minor drawback, being delayed. Sweet.
I'm not sure how easy it will be to get out efficiently. It seems most likely to be called in a situation where your opponent gains a meaningful advantage from cancelling your shields. In this case getting an exhausted unit that isn't involved in the current battle may not compensate for the shield cancellation. (And you may have wished you simply had a 2 shield card).
More tools to destabilize your opponent in the mind game. I think the best situation to use it as a shield on a minor event, when your opponent doesn't have much to lose and can be tempted by calling your bluff.
Very inefficient to play from your hand, but provides some solid value if it is cheated into play.
Even then, not having an immediate impact on the battle while losing a 2-shielder makes them lacklustre.
I'll have to play Liatha a lot to be able to judge this. How much your opponent is going to ask you to reveal your bluff? If he does it a lot, then the event isn't going to be played so often. And it cost 1.
I like this a lot. Non-elite keeps it in check, but it's a way of cheating in units on the sly. If your opponent keeps calling your bluffs, use your "real" shield cards and get some free damage out instead (stick it on the Warlord and make it dead!). Somewhere in there you should be able to set a tasty card up for this event.
Interesting targeting. It can’t be used on the Retinue, Coliseum Fighters and Solarite Avtiys will be good targets.
It can save a decent amount resources and also ensures the timing of your deploy is the most favourable.
Balanced by the fact you have to "risk" shielding with a unit, also preventing you from abusing the resource advantage in the first, critical, round.
Along with her ability, the first shield of each turn is a 3 shield. That's huge.
I like this. Against Aun'Shi it's a no brainer, but of course against Aun'Shi it will be the last card in your deck. The rest of the time it's a nice decision between buffing several shields in the future (with Liatha's ability, essentially all to 3) or using a "real" 3 shield right now.
All the signature of Liatha requires her to dive in dirty fights, and this one helps her survive. It can’t change the result of a shield check, but can give you some “real” 2 or 3 shields cards.
The reaction allows you to safely use units as shield cards (see above) but is lacking in strength, whereas the passive is meant for very specific situations. Not too good, I suspect it will be used for shields most of the times.
Same remark as the event.
It's a conditional Catachan Outpost, but with the ability to get Liatha's Retinue into play as an added bonus. Makes the Retinue a bit better, but as a 1x you can't rely on getting it out.
Even more pressure for only 1 Ressource. The ability to re-use your fake shields, while showing you bluffed previously will certainly stress your opponent.
The effect for one resource is solid, and synergises perfectly with the Retinue.
Again, I applaud that it encourages you stray out of your comfort zone.
Woken Machine SPIRIT
An honest meal, best served at Maksim's (4/5) ;)
A nice addition to decks that have big vehicles (mainly Maksim), otherwise I would generally rather have a stronger Shield up front - outside of Maksim things don't tend to survive long enough to get a lot of mileage out of this. The other downside is Maksim is already jamming in Supports, so even there this isn't an auto-include. (Which is good, auto-includes are bad!) Edit: The +1 Atk on a Leman Russ Demolisher could make it even more scary actually, if your opponent tries to take it down with a few small hits but fails.
A powerful card, one of the MVP candidates of this pack. It significantly strengthen those SM or IG elite vehicle decks, (elite Cato, Fall back-Death Servers the Emperor-Clearcut Refuge IG deck). Cato can play it on his Land Speeder Vengeance, let it die later and earn resources! Also Sword Brethren Dreadnought with it and the Blacksword! Maksim can use it very well, since he has many tanks and shield cards. Good midrange vehicles are also nice candidates for it, like the Valkyrie. The additional ATKs is cumulative, which may lead to a huge ATK in the big final battle. PS: Apoka, our Eldar vehicles need some sweet cards like this!
It's a stronger and more interesting Dozer Blade. It's good when you have a single big unit at a planet, otherwise it's easy to play around this. The price is low however, and it is able to provide its benefit multiple times.
I like him. Maybe more powerful that it may seems. It requires skill to get his full potential.
Thematic, offers different tactical options rather than just raw power, and it's a WOLF. Everything you want in a new card, really. The obvious comparison is Lone Wolf, which can cover more ground, but exhausts to work. Thunderwolf can be pretty scary with Attachments or other buffs. He can also bail one of your little dudes out of trouble. I like that he makes you think about board position more. A skill-based card, which all cards would be in my ideal world.
Very useful in early game as it protects your command units from the enemy warlord.
With the restriction on the commit, Ragnar can easily catch the other warlord. With his Hunt event and the initiative, your opponent is in a bad position.
The only problem is, if your opponent can afford to let your command units in peace, this unit is less efficient.
A strong effect but with many limitations. It's solid for decks that want to slowly bleed the opposing warlord out, especially if it gets an attachment.
Waow. This one seems pretty strong. It has enough potential to find room in some astra decks.
Interesting, goes on a weenie, but weenies die, even if not getting hit by things bigger than themselves. However as a 2 shield card this is easy to include in decks where it synergizes well. Worth noting you can put this on things which your opponent generally wants to squash first (Celestian Amelia). Might also be amusing on a Stalwart Ogryn vs an Elite, since he can't be burned out with Events. Another card that will take good play to get mileage out of, and to counter.
This one is for low cost swarm decks which have 1 or 0 cost units such as Sacaellum Shrine Guard. Note that its ability doesn’t require the attached unit to be attacked, if find ways to use the ability without dying. (there is a combo with Bodyguard and Front line ‘Ard Boyz. Of course it's a 3 cards combos)
It can cause a serious headache to an elite deck, while also being cheap and having two shields.
Interesting but a bit specific. It's not that easy to put in motion.
Feels quite niche. I anticipate some unforseen synergy in future releases.
Simply, practical and loyal. All the IG warlords can use it except Worr. Best with Maksim. Has a high efficient synergy with Taurox APC. The only drawback really is the need to wait the end of the first round.
As it stands the effect is negligible, we need more low cost vehicles to be worth it, otherwise the "retreat" part of the cost is too high. I'm rating it assuming we'll get additional units that work with it.
Really great! Note that it prevents your opponent to play cards he may draw during the battle as shields. So you really can plan your battle, very strong.
Nice, unique effect, that is both thematic and brings down some of the risk factor when calculating battle maths. Will go in some decks, not others, as all cards should! Another Eldar Psyker is also very welcome. Yes,Taliesin is a real Warlord, you didn't dream that up.
A new Harlequin unit! I am eagerly looking forward to see the ability of the Harlequin warlord (from the duel cycle).
During my tests, I found out this unit isn't good for all fights, only the key battles. Have a better result when combined with Shrieking Exarch.
All the Eldar warlords can take this unit, but a great addition for Talyesin. One copy is enough for a final battle.
It's really great when you have ambushing options: either your opponent reveales a significant part of his hand or you can commit to a fight in which you have an advantage. Could be a 5 if we get more synergy.
Haha! Very funny. But it can be dangerous. A double-edged blade, fits the Harlequin's theme.
I think it's a nice card to add to the pool. Not sure when I would use it though. Would generally prefer to use Tense Negotiations, though of course if allying Dark Eldar that isn't an option. There could be niche situations or builds where you may need to trigger planet abilities away from where you are committing your Warlord, and can afford to get one triggered against you in response. I think someone should build a 3x Tense, 3x Theatre deck, right now though.
A new Harlequin event! As a Eldar player, I hope the Harlequin warlord can make some special use of it. It can get unexpected result in the right time, even if the other warlord get another planet ability, still not a bad idea. In addition, it will be even better if we can somehow ready our warlord again. And a bloodied enemy warlord rarely dare to exhaust.
Aside from situational uses to trigger very important battle abilities, this is good only to exhaust your opponent's warlord, since you're spending a resource and a card on it so it's hard to net a gain.
I thought to give it 4/5, but in the end, it's requires a slot in the deck, to drop then recycle the other card. So yes, it can be very good in some decks, the only problem is what to get out to put this in....
I think the best way of thinking about this is that it is a delayed cantrip that also turns one of your Ork Supports in hand into a 0 cost Combat Event. This can create surprises (e.g. drop in Tellyporta Pad), but ultimately there aren't many Ork Supports that seem amazing with this. In the right deck, though a deck-thinner that also lets you do something with a card that maybe you don't even have the resources for, could work.
For now, only Mork’s Great Heap worth to be put by this card duo to its limit. Hope for more suitable supports to raise the mark of this event.
Orks have many good supports which are a bit expensive: this adds a surprise factor while also removing the cost. It's good to turn a late game dead draw into something useful, but it's a bit too situational to see play consistently.
Wow. Ok, it means your are in trouble, but it also has the potential to get you out of that trouble! :)
A 2/2/2 for 2 in Chaos is basically already a 5/5 card. Unique makes running multiples risky, but it also offers protection and additional uses. Outside of full Elite decks like my Ku'gath this is at least a 1x (but could easily run 2-3 even then). In Baa'rzul you get more control over recycling the spare copies and it becomes a 3x imo
Even better than the beta test version. The interrupt condition doesn’t require your Ba’ar Zul to get bloodied. I would play three copies of this guy if I were to play Ba’ar Zul. (But Ba’ar Zul is still good enough to me to play him seriously).
Strong in Ba'ar Zul, just some efficiency for other decks. Even in Zul, it's very hit or miss: if you draw it after you've been bloodied it's nothing spectacular.
At first glance it seems strong. But it is pretty situational.
Very niche. Would like it to have 2 shields so it's useful against regular decks. Otherwise your deck would need to specifically struggle badly against discard effects, whilst being strong enough in general to have dead slots against regular decks. Also strays into "hard counter" territory for me, something I'm not a fan of in a game where the beauty and satisfaction lies in outmaneouvring your opponent rather than drawing the exact right cards at the exact right time. Finally, it's most likely to be helpful at the start of the game, where discard can shut you down quickly, which makes it even more high variance for me (you draw it or you don't, they draw murderbirds etc. or they don't)
This one is weaker than before. It can deal with being discarded and give you another card without losing the +1 HP. But since Chaos can use Ominous Wind to change lots cards already, and that Wind can’t trigger the Pool, I guess Chaos Elite decks may not have room for it.
It's very very specific. Against discard engines (with Balrus a sa corner case) it's very helpful, since every card you gain is golden. In all the other situations however it's a dead draw, and the single shield doesn't help at all. I'm giving it a 2 just because the deck it's meant to help against is fearsome.
It has "Starblaze" printed on its underpants (or Nahumek), but it's very very strong!
This is a design-space I'd hoped to see explored - giving units additional factions and/or traits. Tracking permanent HP/Atk boosts may get fiddly, but overall a nice card.
A very powerful single card. It could be MVP if there were no Rampaging Knarloc. Works best for Starblaze. Since the additional ATK and HP are permanent it synergizes with Starblaze’s Outpost, it's possible that Elite Starblaze decks get to Tier 1. The only problem is there is only one Outpost in a deck. Also very practical for Baharroth.
Its main strength lies in the synergy with Starblaze and Nahumekh, so for those decks is a 5, average otherwise.
Can be strong, a lot of potential. In the endgame, as a finisher.
Very Kroot. And look at that face! It's hard to rate the various Tau commandless Elites based around resource-holding, as I haven't really played around with them, but this has the potential to be very strong. When the conditions are met, can take at least 3 hits, whilst dishing out punishment, making it ideal for standing up against spike hitters. Kroot synergy of course means it slips nicely into a shaper Agnok deck, where it's lack of a Command Hammer is also offset. In other decks, I'd probably still go towards the traditional Tau Elites. Never under-estimate CBG!
One of the best card in this pack. It’s the first elite unit good at fighting in front for Tau. Even if it can’t beat Squiggoth Brute, Black Legion Heldrake or Ultramarines Dreadnought, it still worth for adding all the three copies to a Tau deck. Works best for Agnok, and quite good for Starblaze, but no good for Shadowsun.
A strong duelist meant to take down opposing elites - assuming you can get the resources needed. Solid, but for the same price one could afford bigger threats.
Very nice! An extra mulligan for the Tyranids, nom nom nom!
Bonus mulligan potential, a handy, but not devestating late-game effect (Unique is the right call imho), and 2 shields to keep it useful even when it's not. All round a solid card that gives another option for the competetive attachment slot in Tyranid decks.
Seemingly good, but actually not broken at all. The attachment may seems good for a final battle but usually when a Tyranid warlord faces a Tier 1 warlord, it can only get 1 or 2 planets before the final battle. The second ability can adjust the open hand, which is a good addition to Tyranid's arsenal.
I love this card. It's useful in every moment of the game, and introduces a new awesome mechanic for Tyranids, "absorbing planets". The partial mulligan makes them a lot more consistent, despite their 6/6 start.
Seems pretty big. I'll need to play it to be sure, but it seems very strong. You can destroy the big Elite in front of you (and give him this, sure but still), or you can replace your Strangleweb Termagants in P2 for the battle to come.
Abilities that trigger off your opponent winning or capturing planets is another thing I've hoped would make it into the game at some point. This could potentially be very swingy, but I'm hopeful that because of the stat-line of the unit being put into play and the bonus cost for attachments, it will be okay - and it's definitely a cool effect. The idea of 'losing to win' fits nicely into Conquest where sometimes you can let your Warlord get bloodied, lose most planets and still win at Planet 7. One of the downsides of such effects, is that on some tableaus it's going to be very easy to 'give' your opponent a planet without suffering negative consequences, on others it really isn't. Pro Tip - Use Genestealer Brood to fetch this card, wave it in your opponent's face and convince them it would be less painful if they just let you win every single planet so you never get to trigger it.
Another wonderful card here. This is the second card in this pack which works as Klaivex IMO. The first one is of course the Catachan Devils Patrol. Due to the abilities, this one and the Devils Patrol can’t surpass Klaivex, but they are almost the same strong. There is no limit on how to use it. Any Tyranid warlord can take it. You can switch it with your dying unit, or an enemy big unit. Very useful and almost free! The only drawback is the trigger condition.
It's hard to pull off, but not as much as it seems if your opponent is overextending. It's better in Omega which can also use it as an ambush option, but being the only Tyranid control option makes it very valuable regardless.
It's an honest unit for sure. But the question is: is there room left in the deck for it?
Feels like it provides a huge boost to all the Necrons. Obviously Szeras can then benefit from healing too, but even if you never heal that damage, the econmic advantage (and discard stacking, especially for Anrakyr) is massive. If you draw a couple of these in your opening hand, you could drop an absolute tonnage of weird looking metal dudes onto the board. Consider, if you trigger it just a single time, it's essentially a 1 cost unit with 1 hammer (and you've wounded the other necron you deployed - bad outside of Szeras, plus discarded a card from your deck - potenaitlly good with recursion effects). After that it's all profit. (It's also a Drone for obscure shenanigans)
I like this one very much. All the Nec warlord can use it, and Szeras is the best choice. For him, this card can constitute a perfect puzzle, and effectively make up his shortcomings of starting too slow. This card makes perfect combination with Replicating Scarabs and Royal Phylactery. It’s more or less a early game card, and not very good for Nahumekh.
Being limited to Necron units and the "damage" cost make it very harmful for weenies.
An auto-include for Szeras however, who goes mono-Necron anyway and finds the damage not bothersome at all, if not helpful sometimes.
Strong but not broken. Only 3 planets are really nice targets for his ability (and among those Y'varn isn't a big profit planet in the first place). Remove 3 planets at setup + 1 each round. In the end, not much of juicy targets for him and your opponent knows you have the Duke in play so he may want to deny you the command there.
This guy is basically a Void Pirate variant. You're getting + 1 card (from a choice of 2) *if* you win Command at a 0 card planet. Crucially, Duke of Debris doesn't have to be there. Meanwhile he is still a 1 hammer for 1 cost whose Uniqueness might be a double-edged sword here. If you're running No Mercy he becomes easier to include, and of course if you've decided to play around with Eldar's various deck search enhancement cards, maybe in some kind of combo deck, then he could give that vital control over what you draw, as well as knowledge of what you're likely to draw, that could be the missing piece in your madcap plan.
A neutral unit with very reasonable design. It can effectively deal with Archon’s Palace. It's main drawback is its uniqueness which limits the amount of copies in the deck.
Great card, this might be the new promotion. It's a solid card to play against card choke and Archon's Palace in particular and is a 1-for-1. Unless you're winning command struggles only on planets with 2-cards bonuses and your opponent doesn't have Palace, this is golden.